US History III (HIST&148)

Winter 2020
Gary Tou


Welcome to class. Covered Canvas site.


Professor’s Verbal Clues: “This is important because…”

The Gilded Age


The Gilded Age looks economically good on the surface, but realistically/internally there were a lot of problems.

The Gilded Age was the foundation of themes within the social class, interactions, financial development, political development that show up in the 1900s

Gilded only looks “gold” on the surface but isn’t actually gold.

Captains of Industry

Group is nicknamed “Robber Barons”. These people approached business differently.


Sign up for BC Alerts for class cancelation (snow)

Prospectus → think about what you enjoy

Discussion #2

New Wave of Immigration


Immigraiton numbers:

Immigration country of origin:

Old wave (1870-1880)

New wave (1880-1890)
Different countries, more immigrants

  • England
  • Irland
  • Germany
  • Scandinavia
  • Italy
  • Russia
  • Poland
  • Generally lighter skin
  • Already new English
  • Easier to accept compared to the new wave
  • Southern/Eastern Europe
  • Jewish
  • Faced crisis. Desperate to leave.
  • Darker skin

Push factors of this time period (reasons to move away):

Pull factors (reasons to come to the US):

New wave immigrants had to be processed at locations like Ellis Island. They were able to move westerns because of the railroads, but most stayed concentrated in the east.

Majority of the workforce in low paying, factory jobs tend to be immigrants from underrepresented countries. Factory work isn’t just a large brick building with large machines.

Segmented Working Class

If you were a medical doctor in Russia and came over to the US, your experience/degree might not matter. You would be working low paying jobs. The entire family was expected to work (even children. Starting at age 10-12)

Wage is based on Skilled vs. Unskilled:



  • Government jobs
  • Office jobs
  • Locomotive engineer
  • Having education (apprenticeship)

  • Machinist ($2.45/day)
  • Sowing/working with garments
  • Women’s jobs (even though more men worked in those roles)
  • Physically getting dirty

  • Factory worker ($1.32/day)
  • Domestic (cleaning house, taking care of people’s kids) ($2/week)

Dangerous Working and Living Conditions

Factories were fire hazards. Little space, garments everywhere.

Close proximity → easy to spread disease.

Children were expected to work (starting at age 10-12. There was no age limit/parental permission). They had smaller hands (textile industry) and body parts (coal mines).

Typing is a highly desirable women factory job. Seen as less dangerous.

If injured on the job. You can sue the employer, but this is very difficult because if your co-worker was the cause of the negligence, your employer is off the hook.

No food standards → consumers put at risk


Tenement Apartment

Jacob Riis

Knights of Labor

One of the first powerful labor union. Started in late 1860s. Created by group of tailors. Started by offering discount of burial plots

Terence Powderly soon took over and make the union more aggressive

Members of the union

1885 → 100,000 members

1886 → 730,000 members.

Some people buy insurance on themselves (in case you get injured).

Possible research project idea: WTO protest in Seattle. Riots on labor 1990s


May 1st, 1886 Strike

American Federation of Labor (AFL)

Bosses & Machines



This political structure was very common.

Very few Bosses have served time/gotten punishment. It was seen as impossible.

Boss Tweed

Boss Tweed was the Boss of the New York (his machine was called Tammany Hall).

Boss Tweed was one of the few Bosses arrested. He got arrested for fraud and died in prison. His machine kept going and supporting other bosses.

Forms of Leisure: Coney Island, Brooklyn

Paying money to have fun was a new concept in the Gilden Age.

Coney Island was originally made for the middle class, but soon, the New Wave Immigrants started going to Coney Island. Middle-class people didn’t want to interact with the inferior (New Wave immigrants). Middle-class wanted to separate themselves from the inferior.

Middle Class Society & Culture

Victorian Morality

Middle class men & women expected to follow these rules of Victorian Morality to show that they’re better than the New Wave Immigrants and the working class because of their self-restraint. They avoid an excess of everything (sex, alcohol consumption, excess food consumption, excess gambling). They used this manner to say “I’m better than you”. All of these standards were passed down to their kids.

The Cult of Domesticity

Middle class Women also had to follow the Cult of Domesticity. Home and work is seen as separate (something working class would not afford as they worked at home). As a result, the home became a sanctuary away from work. Known as Angels of the household, the middle class women were responsible for decorating homes (table cloths, table setting, cloth napkins)

Department Stores

aka “Palaces of Consumption”

Angels of the household went to the Department Stores to buy consumer items for their homes to prevent interacting with the working class at street-side shops. These department stores were fancy and make the women feel like a queen. (Piano, couches to rest, food court, etc.)

A job in the department store is ideal (usually only for middle class girls).

1/13/2020 [SNOW DAY]

Class cancelled because of snow.

1/14/2020 [SNOW DAY]

Class cancelled because of snow.

1/15/2020 [SNOW DAY]

Class cancelled because of snow.


No school Monday (1/20)

Start searching for 5 academic sources and preparing for in-class essay (on 1/27)

The Progressive Era

1900-1917        (1917. US enters WW1)

“Clean up period” for the Gilded Age


They were all over the country, but all believed in the following:

There are a lot of women involved. For example, the “Housewives Alliance” group.

People call them clubs, but they’re more like agency. Women treated it like full time jobs.

Women in the Progressive Era

Muckrakers (Journalists)

They rake up the crap in society and put it out there for people to see.

They wrote articles and books of topics that were hurting people in hopes for new laws

McClure’s Magazine

Filled with scandals and stories from Muckrakers

This one Muckraker found that young women working in shoe factory didn’t have fingernails. Went undercover as a worker. Found out that the women dipping the shoes in dye didn’t wear gloves. She wrote it in McClure's Magazine and the public went after the company.


In class essay - Monday 1/27. BUY A GREEN BOOK + Pen/Pencil

No discussion this week - prepare for the in class essay

Extra credit activity “WWI diaries” Due 1/27

Midterm Thursday 2/6

The Reform Campaigns

Settlement House

Like a daycare, boys & girls club, reading/writing schools

Middle class educated women (mostly young white, unmarried) ran these. They were old houses that the women lived in and provided resources for women and kids.

Settlement House workers got paid. Mainly new wave/working class workers. Different social classes and ethics living together under the same roof (surprising).

Henry Street Settlement House

NYC, 1910

Staged photos

Was in an alleyway, Turned it into a garden/park

Industrial Safety

Women (angels of the household) fighting for new laws. These women weren’t viewed as threatening. They played on the “I am helping you” (politicians were scared of the factory workers. The women weren’t workers in the factory and were middle-class).

City Beautiful Campaigns

Cities spent a lot of money to make the city cleaner, safer, healthier.

Public Health

Food and Drug Regulations

People were getting sick because of contaminated foods (mainly milk and meats). Milk wasn’t pasteurized


“The Jungle” book written by Upton Sinclair (muckraker) exposed the meatpacking plants


Medicine was falsely advertised and contaminated

As a result, the USDA was created. People now wanted to buy meat from the US because it was certified.

Rev. Paul Smith, American Social Hygiene Association created a drawing of a monster with arms. Each arm represented a thought of things that would hurt people.

Moral Control in Cities

The “Social Evil” (Prostitution)

People wanted to end prostitution. Publically shamed prostitutes and their customers. Laws eventually changed and made prostitution illegal.

Americanization programs

If there is a new wave immigrant who’s going to be working in a settlement house, they were taught how to be more American (cook food, write/read in English, change hairstyle, the way acted, learned the pledge of allegiance).

Dance Hall Girls

San Francisco

Charge men 10 cents for a fully clothed slow dance.

The California Civic Leauge thoughts these girls were vulnerable to become prostitutes. The middle-class women tried to provide jobs that were “appropriate”. The Dance Hall Girls wrote very direct and verbal letters rejecting them.


In class essay

World War I

WWI was 1914 → 1918

The first “Total War”

During WWI, they started paying attention to mental health (PTSD used to be called Shell Shock).

The mindset of people in the united states will shift because of the war. A lot of the ideas such as improving factories and progress were set aside because “there isn’t time for it”.

Start of the War (1914)

The US believed it didn’t need alliances because it was surrounded by water. In the 1800s, the US was very isolated from world affairs. Nowadays, the US is known as the global police (military troops everywhere. Gets involved with everything, everywhere).

The US wants to stay neutral. Realistically, we weren’t

US think of The Central Powers as only Germany (forgets about the rest of the countries)

Trench Warfare

German U-Boats (submarine)

May 7, 1915, German U-boats sunk the British Lusitania (civilian passengers. 128 Americans killed. 1198 total killed)

Zimmerman Telegram

The breaking point that caused US to join the war.

German’s Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmerman send a coded telegram (supposed to be secret) to Germany’s Ambassador in Mexico. The message was captured, decoded, and published in the US.

The message said if you can persuade Mexico to declare war on the US, Germany would help Mexico get their “lost territories” back. In 1846-1848, Mexico lost half its land to the US in a war.

April 2, 1917: Congress voted for war

The thought of losing that land pushed the US into WWI.


Mobilizing at Home (1917)

The government became more involved with people’s lives at home in the US. It was easy for the government to be intrusive because of war.

Government involvement in Economy during War

Government wanted everyone involved.

Positive advertisement

Shaming advertisements

Financial Support

End of The War

Nov 11th, 1918

Buggy Poppy (linked to opium)

US only spent 1.5 years fighting WW1. Long peace process. Some people think that the US was more involved with the peace process than the fighting.

Treaty of Versailles

June 1919

Seems to only punish Germany (rest of the Central Powers countries seem to disappear)

As a result, Germany is a financial reck. Historians now see that the treaty was a motivation for Germany to push back.

League of Nationals

President Willson Woodrow’s idea. It doesn’t exist anymore.

Goal to prevent war

US was never apart of it

Wilson’s speaking tour of 37 speeches in 22 days. Got serious stroke and incompasastated for the rest of his term (2 years)

1937 poll: 70% of people said WWI was a mistake to get involved with


In-class essay today


Extra credit due tonight

In-class essay returned by monday


The 1920s showed trends which are still present today.

1920s Consumer Culture

The “New Woman”


Margaret Sanger & Birth Control Movement

Helped with contraceptives, but supports eugenics


Some people who understand psychology and addiction believed that prohibition was positive. They thought society would improve if alcohol was removed.

“The reign of tears is over. The slums will soon be only a memory. We will turn our prisons into factories and our jails into storehouses and comcribs. Men will walk upright now, women will smile, and the children will laugh.” - Billy Sunday

Results of Prohibition


Discussion post #4

Thursday 2/6 midterm. Bring one scantron and pencil

Tuesday 2/11 annotated bibliography due

1920s Racism & Nativism

1920s were one of the most racially hostile decades

Ku Klux Klan

Legal Nativism

Mexican immigration


Harlem Renaissance

Artistic movement in Harlem, New York: music, painting, writing

African American writers and artists rose


The Great Depression & The New Deal

The Great Depression


US Joins the Global Depression

US joins the already existent Global Depression

Hoover’s Response, 1929-1932

Hoover’s responses didn’t work.


Life during the Great Depression

Mexican Repatriation

Scapegoat for people in the west. Removing Mexican immigrants will free-up jobs for white people.


Absent. WC FBLA Regionals. Notes from Michael’s voice recording

Bonus Marchers

Bonus Marchers were WW1 veterans. They were promised a 20 year bonus for their service (little per year). They didn’t receive the money because the US was in a financial problem. They asked congress to give them that money early. Congress said no. 10,000 marched in Washington and built their homeless camps in eye-shot of washington. Hoover told General Douglas MacArthur to get rid of these homeless veterans. So, they burn down the veteran’s hooverville. Hoover’s reputation went down (his election was in a few months). People believe he’s a cruel man. FDR won election

First New Deal

FDR’s economic stimulation programs  in hope to getting out of the great depression

There were two new deals. Change of relationships with government

FDR noticed and stated problems. They brought up things people were afraid of. He related to the people.

FDR said the would create a new deal, but they didn’t exactly know what it would be. He hired a Brain Trust (people behind the new deals). The Brain Trust contains people from all different political parties. If FDR thought you were able to come up with a solution, he hired you. He didn’t just hire politicians, he had professors (from all different field: psychology, lawyers), people who ran settlement houses, and muckrakers.

The first thing the Brain Trust did was address the bank crisis. First thing FDR did was president

Alphabet soup groups

CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps)

Public loved

PWA (Public Works Association)

People really liked this group. Large scale construction group.


Mid-term. Won’t need to know specific dates. But you will need to know general time periods (chronology)

AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act)

Greatly disliked

TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)

Results of the First New Deal

Critics of FDR


Second New Deal


(WPA) Works Progress Association

Social Security Act of 1935


Today is test prep/review day

Study Guide Topics:

1-5 gilded age

6-8 progressive era

9 ww1 (only 1 question)

10-15 1920s

16-17 great depression and new deal

Use elimination. Be careful with wording

Scantron + pencil. Graded same day, in a few hours




Annotated bibliography due tomorrow (2/11)


World War II


Wartime jobs from WWII got the US out of the great depression.

51 million died (most are non-combatent/cilivians)

At the very start of WWII, the US was still trying to be neutral

Rise of Aggression in Europe and Asia


Giving a little bit just to get them to go away.


Neutrality Acts, 1935-1937

These say to the world that we’re staying neutral

Leading up to WWII

Cash & Carry Plan, 1939

Removed all risks from the US. Allowed them the US to make money.

Pearl harbor


The Battlefront in Europe

War in the Pacific

The Holocaust

Pattern of genecide

  1. Group getting labeled
  2. Group isolated
    Jews not allowed to work for the government/university, or go to university.
  3. Slow stripping away of civil rights
    No longer German citizens, can’t vote, can’t marry.

Jewish Migration

Japanese Internment



Notes from recording from Danylo

When President Truman announced the surrender of Germany,

Rosie the Riveter

The US government used a lot of propaganda to change how the public act


Primary Source Activity. Turned in on paper in class


Monday 3/2: Rough draft. 3 page double spaced

Rosie the Riveter was propaganda

Flag to represent family members serving in the war. Stars in the center of white flag with red border. One star represents one family member (generally husband)

Hostility Towards Rosie

People wanted to recruit these workers, but they also were very hostile against them

The Atomic Bombs


The Cold War


Very intense hostility between the US and the Soviet Union. (Global powers that emerged from WWII)

USSR 1922-1991

Competition in everything (space race, olympics, etc.)

During the cold war, families stockpiled supplies and built backyard bunkers

Characteristics of the Cold War

Hot war: physically fighting

Cold war: physiological wars

Major Diplomatic Policies

East & West Germany Divide

Cold War at home


The “Red Scare”

Scared of being accused or associated with a communist

The Hollywood Ten, 1947

In the HUAC, you can become a friendly witness or witness for Congress and admit to being a communist (maybe in the past) and rat other people out.

The Pumpkin Papers

Alger Hiss and Whitaker Chambers


Joseph McCarthy

Many politicians saw that Richard Nixon raised to fame through accusing people.



Iconic views

The G.I. Bill

Used as a way to recruit

The Affluent society

Life in the Suburbs

It was popular to live in the suburbs

Ticky Tacky Houses

Called Ticky Tacky because it was described as “flimsy”.

Levittown,  New York

Red Lining & Restrictive Covenants

Made it harder for non-whites to get housing. These practices have been made illegal

Although these homes were shown as the norm for everyone on TV, only whites were able to get them

Red Lining

Goal of making neighborhoods White. Non-whites were declared financially risky for specific white neighborhoods

Restrictive Covenants

Homeowners Associations had rules preventing non-white from owning, renting, or living in neighborhoods

Suburbs were highly idealized but were accessible to everyone


Consumerism & Conformity

Mixed families and kids were unusual, but the show “I Love Lucy” was extremely popular and showed a mixed couple. Lucy was not only one of the lead roles, but also the producer


Rock & Roll

Beauty Standards



Teens had instructional dating videos

1950s Marriage Mania

1952: APA (american psychiatric association)’s book called the DSM diagonized homosexuality as a mental disease. (stayed in the book until the 1980s)

Single Women in the 1950s

Urban Hotels for Single Women

Single Pregnancy in the 1950s

Sexuality in the 1950s

Giving Birth in the 1950s

At the time, the medical doctor were the experts. Nowadays, the patient is the expert as they know their body the best.

Unhappiness of 1950s Housewives


In Class Activity: “Job Switching” episode of I Love Lucy (1952)


Civil Rights

1964 - turning point year

College students had a Sit In at a restaurant in a Drug Store. Started with 4 students and grew. This happened for 6 months before this one Drug Store chain in this one state allowed for on-segregated lunch counters.

Although sit ins were meant to be peaceful, they had to deal with hostility from protesters against them

Jim Crow Laws

Since 1865. Not always necessarily legal laws. Some were legal laws and you could be arrested

Jim Crow laws were not always the same between states or cities.

1965. Brown vs Board of Education

Schools can’t be segregated. But there was no date where it had to happen. So states in the south didn't do it.

“Separate but equal” was legal

Little Rock Nine

Students weren’t able to get into the school

The US President had to step in and get paratroopers to escort them in

From this point on, all lectures are pre-recorded online because of the Coronavirus

Open Source on GitHub: @garyhtou/us-history-148